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Channel name | Command |
bot-announcements |
/subscribe bot-announcements
crownstore-showcase |
/subscribe crownstore-showcase
dev-tracker-english |
/subscribe dev-tracker-english
endeavors-eu |
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endeavors-na |
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eso-hub-news |
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eso-news |
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eso-news-en-gb |
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events |
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games-lantern |
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golden-pursuits |
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golden-vendor |
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impresario-assistant-vendor |
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impresario-vendor |
/subscribe impresario-vendor
indrik-vendor |
/subscribe indrik-vendor
infinite-archive-vendor |
/subscribe infinite-archive-vendor
login-rewards |
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luxury-furnisher |
/subscribe luxury-furnisher
pc-patch-notes |
/subscribe pc-patch-notes
pledges-eu |
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pledges-na |
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ps4-patch-notes |
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pts-patch-notes |
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reddit-daily-discussion |
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reddit-weekday-post |
/subscribe reddit-weekday-post
scribing-vendor |
/subscribe scribing-vendor
service-announcements |
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twitch-drops |
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weekly-tel-var-merchant |
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weekly-trial-eu |
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weekly-trial-na |
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xbox-patch-notes |
/subscribe xbox-patch-notes
xbox-wire |
/subscribe xbox-wire
Channel name | Command |
dev-tracker-german |
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endeavors-german-eu |
/subscribe endeavors-german-eu
endeavors-german-na |
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eso-news-german |
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events-german |
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golden-pursuits-german |
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golden-vendor-german |
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impresario-assistant-vendor-german |
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impresario-vendor-german |
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indrik-vendor-german |
/subscribe indrik-vendor-german
infinite-archive-vendor-german |
/subscribe infinite-archive-vendor-german
login-rewards-german |
/subscribe login-rewards-german
luxury-furnisher-german |
/subscribe luxury-furnisher-german
pc-patch-notes-german |
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pledges-german-eu |
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pledges-german-na |
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ps4-patch-notes-german |
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pts-patch-notes-german |
/subscribe pts-patch-notes-german
scribing-vendor-german |
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weekly-tel-var-merchant-german |
/subscribe weekly-tel-var-merchant-german
xbox-patch-notes-german |
/subscribe xbox-patch-notes-german
Channel name | Command |
dev-tracker-french |
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endeavors-french-eu |
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endeavors-french-na |
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eso-news-french |
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events-french |
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golden-pursuits-french |
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golden-vendor-french |
/subscribe golden-vendor-french
impresario-assistant-vendor-french |
/subscribe impresario-assistant-vendor-french
impresario-vendor-french |
/subscribe impresario-vendor-french
indrik-vendor-french |
/subscribe indrik-vendor-french
infinite-archive-vendor-french |
/subscribe infinite-archive-vendor-french
login-rewards-french |
/subscribe login-rewards-french
luxury-furnisher-french |
/subscribe luxury-furnisher-french
pc-patch-notes-french |
/subscribe pc-patch-notes-french
pledges-french-eu |
/subscribe pledges-french-eu
pledges-french-na |
/subscribe pledges-french-na
ps4-patch-notes-french |
/subscribe ps4-patch-notes-french
pts-patch-notes-french |
/subscribe pts-patch-notes-french
scribing-vendor-french |
/subscribe scribing-vendor-french
weekly-tel-var-merchant-french |
/subscribe weekly-tel-var-merchant-french
xbox-patch-notes-french |
/subscribe xbox-patch-notes-french
Channel name | Command |
dev-tracker-russian |
/subscribe dev-tracker-russian
endeavors-russian-eu |
/subscribe endeavors-russian-eu
endeavors-russian-na |
/subscribe endeavors-russian-na
eso-news-russian |
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golden-pursuits-russian |
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golden-vendor-russian |
/subscribe golden-vendor-russian
impresario-assistant-vendor-russian |
/subscribe impresario-assistant-vendor-russian
impresario-vendor-russian |
/subscribe impresario-vendor-russian
indrik-vendor-russian |
/subscribe indrik-vendor-russian
infinite-archive-vendor-russian |
/subscribe infinite-archive-vendor-russian
luxury-furnisher-russian |
/subscribe luxury-furnisher-russian
pc-patch-notes-russian |
/subscribe pc-patch-notes-russian
pts-patch-notes-russian |
/subscribe pts-patch-notes-russian
scribing-vendor-russian |
/subscribe scribing-vendor-russian
weekly-tel-var-merchant-russian |
/subscribe weekly-tel-var-merchant-russian
Channel name | Command |
endeavors-spanish-eu |
/subscribe endeavors-spanish-eu
endeavors-spanish-na |
/subscribe endeavors-spanish-na
eso-news-spanish |
/subscribe eso-news-spanish
golden-pursuits-spanish |
/subscribe golden-pursuits-spanish
golden-vendor-spanish |
/subscribe golden-vendor-spanish
impresario-assistant-vendor-spanish |
/subscribe impresario-assistant-vendor-spanish
impresario-vendor-spanish |
/subscribe impresario-vendor-spanish
indrik-vendor-spanish |
/subscribe indrik-vendor-spanish
infinite-archive-vendor-spanish |
/subscribe infinite-archive-vendor-spanish
luxury-furnisher-spanish |
/subscribe luxury-furnisher-spanish
pc-patch-notes-spanish |
/subscribe pc-patch-notes-spanish
pts-patch-notes-spanish |
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scribing-vendor-spanish |
/subscribe scribing-vendor-spanish
weekly-tel-var-merchant-spanish |
/subscribe weekly-tel-var-merchant-spanish
Channel name | Command |
server-pc-eu |
/subscribe server-pc-eu
server-pc-na |
/subscribe server-pc-na
server-pc-pts |
/subscribe server-pc-pts
server-ps4-eu |
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server-ps4-na |
/subscribe server-ps4-na
server-xbox-eu |
/subscribe server-xbox-eu
server-xbox-na |
/subscribe server-xbox-na
Channel name | Command |
blog-uesp |
/subscribe blog-uesp
podcast-elder-scrolls-lorecast |
/subscribe podcast-elder-scrolls-lorecast
podcast-red-diamond-courier |
/subscribe podcast-red-diamond-courier
podcast-scroll-talk |
/subscribe podcast-scroll-talk
podcast-uesp |
/subscribe podcast-uesp
podcast-written-in-uncertainty |
/subscribe podcast-written-in-uncertainty
Channel name | Command |
twitter-bethesdasupport |
/subscribe twitter-bethesdasupport
twitter-tesonline |
/subscribe twitter-tesonline
twitter-tesonline_de |
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twitter-tesonline_esp |
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twitter-tesonline_fr |
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twitter-zenimax_online |
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